Communist regimes will do for nearly a century that the intensive use known.
On the minor mode, the red vest worn by Theophile Gautier, when the first drama of Victor Hugo's Hernani , was also a symbol of rebellion and anger against the proponents of classical drama.
Above all, red is synonymous with beauty. In the Russian language, the concepts of beautiful red and merge within the same word Krasnyi . Thus, the famous Red Square could also well be called in French without any translation error, the "Beautiful Place".
Only the last two centuries that we marry in white - a symbol of purity and virginity. Previously, brides chose to wear the great day of their wedding, the most beautiful dress, which was mostly a red dress, that color is one that is more easily determined the tissue and did not spend in the sun .
The child is spontaneously attracted to red, which is a promise for him to play or sweetness.
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