Thursday, September 14, 2006

Does Rosacea Disqual From Military Service

Holidays "retro" (30/32)

Copy of 1889 for the General Society of steam shipping. This particular time rates to travel to Algeria. First

precaution to take when buying your poster: Make sure it is in good condition without tears or stains.
Wrap it carefully to prevent it from being damaged during transport.
Once home, do not hang your poster on a wall exposed sunlight: its color might be affected.
In the same vein, do not subject it to a heat source (like a radiator), but try to keep a constant temperature between 20 ° and 22 °. This will avoid making the paper brittle.

At the slightest damage, call a professional restoration. The smallest error handling on your part could be fatal!

To better protect your display, consider how the canvas. Again, check with a professional.
By sticking the poster on a canvas, it will erase wrinkles and make the paper raincoat and more resistant. Another cheaper solution: you can put your poster in a frame or under a coaster.

Source: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.


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