Friday, November 10, 2006

Sue Letter For Dafamation Of Character

Air France "retro" (2 / 9) Happiness

Thursday, November 9, 2006

6co2 12h2o Light Energy

there an objective reality?

Speaking of happiness is an invitation to push open doors. The temptation is therefore to force blows to the originality of paradoxes and new ideas. We will stick to reason and to escape amazes hackneyed conventions. It applies, perhaps without much panache, to understand the meaning of a word as used but difficult to use.

Happiness, says the dictionary, is a state of satisfaction, resulting from a specific event, it is sought, or unexpected announcement. This definition does not make us forget the essential: happiness can not be commanded. It is neither imposed nor denied. Meanwhile, no one can say so and so is happy. By cons, recognize the devastation of its opposite is easy. Besides insidiously we are ready to screen it behind the air of happiness for many dress around their loved ones or the all-comers. Currently, it is true, the propensity of our fellows to be revealed for a yes or a no, at least to forget to take offense, highlights the ease with which it proclaims its states unfortunate.

Would it be easier to capture this thing that makes running so they could decline the conditions for its realization, that reveal its materiality. How to establish plans for conquest? In this regard, we are all Rastignac: "Between us, Paris! "Happiness exists. It is like that. Here's the recipe! The answer, we know it. On the one hand, happiness is the child of circumstances. On the other hand, when these occur, too often they do not produce the desired effect.

must distinguish between living conditions and the fact to feel it. How, subjectively, they experience sudden her fainting when they have completed the necessary efforts for its realization. Conversely, we noted that the darkest periods of life, the most challenging times do not necessarily preclude the intimate experience of happiness. This last observation allows some, especially for the privileged, to justify the lack of any concern for collective improvement. Why try to change the state of affairs, since he is not that interferes with happiness?

Everyone can live in modesty or the difficulty of his condition. Even in the worst moments, such as wars, children play, men and women love each other and make plans. No doubt, but our state of civilized us to believe that peace, growing prosperity, accepting the other, more developed, stronger culture and always will be more widely distributed more happy than not. If the policy does not provide happiness, it opens the way for a greater opportunity to know the attractions.

So my answer is it two proposals. I must try to live a good life, that is to say who can flourish, but not at the expense of others and without asking the idle question of happiness ... I have every chance let me - then - given the boot.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

3 Mg Heparin In Units

Air France "retro" (1 / 9)

Monday, November 6, 2006

Alan87 Koncówka Mocy

Contract and under

The idea of contract is best understood through an expression synonymous: the obligation reciprocal. And why not mutual constraint? These two words are not they equivalent? Not quite. The constraint expresses an independent external pressure of my agreement or even my understanding of what causes it. The requirement, she is that insofar as the merits of the reasons I had enough, although the details of implementation do not always seem fair.

So I the obligation to pay taxes. While I know that if I do not pay voluntarily, I am compelled to do so, including (to my regret?) That members of a community must contribute to its maintenance, otherwise it would cease exist. I agree that the use and importance of money so collected is another problem. In other words, if the person I am stubborn not to pay his taxes, even knows (with or without remorse) that flees its obligations.

The contract comes as a personal liability together with my knowledge of the requirement that the other contracting party to me. In fact, any contract quickly became a test for the individual who accepted it. More than reason, the expected benefits follow the disadvantages of any quid pro quo. At the initial feeling of euphoria, which grows even more the desire of the contract on the topic: I have the means, capabilities ... the good will succeed not so much the unexpected that the roughness of the lived, poorly evaluated in the initial optimism. Today, we are no longer the person we were yesterday. Tomorrow, even less. Each, over the years, more or less strongly, indeed, saw the difficulty of honoring these contracts as desired.

How to say emphatically: "I will maintain"? By virtue, in the Latin sense of the word. The contract, to survive, requires an effort that pushes the one I am now. In doing so, he dips my character develops my "virtue", that is to say what makes my humanity. That's true of marriage, desire for children with all that involves contractual, contract of employment, all those implicit weave our social ties. Initially, preferably, "they take for granted. Then time, stubborn rodent our ideals, our projects, our feelings, is his work. What have we to oppose him? Our virtue. It is not nothing, it rarely enough.