Case of Karachi: Francis Leotard overwhelms the Chirac camp
Le Monde, February 3, 2011
The hearing of former President Jacques Chirac is now claimed by the families of victims, the investigation into the attack in Karachi that has made eleven deaths among French employees in 2002.
In a letter to the judge Wednesday, February 2 Marc Trévidic terrorism, charge of the investigation, Mr. Olivier Morice, the board of several plaintiffs, said the testimony of Mr. Chirac is now "indispensable to the manifestation of the truth." J. Trévidic should accede to that demand action. Jean Veil, the lawyer Jacques Chirac assures that "Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with constitutional, prohibits the judiciary to encroach on executive power. A judge can not hold as Witness former President for acts performed in the exercise of its functions ".
In support of their claim the victims' families are based on questioning former defense minister (1993-1995) Francois Leotard, heard as a witness on January 31 by Judge Trévidic. Mr. Leotard is argued that a stay of promised commissions to middlemen at arms contracts, was able to trigger the mechanism of the attack. This thesis is also retained by the examining magistrate.
Now it is Jacques Chirac who has decided to stop payment of these commissions. As Mr. Leotard in his hearing, which the world has learned, "this decision was taken because Jacques Chirac would support the idea that the money was used to finance the campaign Mr. Balladur, then it is totally false. He pursued a war begun thirty years before (...), this is where I speak of lightness. "Rétrocommissions For, if there had been, there are police and judges" who denounce them, says he.
"PROCEDURE revolt"
Mr. Leotard then recalled the role played by Mr Chirac, on his accession to the presidency of the republic in 1995. "Jacques Chirac was careful to put the post Minister of Defence a minister who was my personal enemy, laboriously trivial and for which I have no respect and I am questioning the integrity intellectual. He finished in the arms of the National Front, "chronicles the former minister.
Charles Millon, in 1995, receiving the presidential order to end commissions (122 million) promised to intermediaries, but also Pakistan Lebanese at the Agosta contract, signed in 1994, which calls for delivery of submarines to Pakistan. Chirac's have strong suspicions about the existence of rétrocommissions, which were then paid to finance the presidential campaign of M . Balladur, who was supported by Nicolas Sarkozy, then minister of the budget.
To have more certainty, the firm is Mr. Leotard also tapped in 1995 by order of Dominique de Villepin, secretary general of the Elysee. "I think I too have been bugged, which is a disgusting procedure, Mr. Leotard said the judge. I think it was anything related to" trip "on the assumption rétrocommissions. It was in their heads to them. " "Them", the Chirac's.
Mr. Leotard said it at the time with Alain Juppe, Prime Minister, at a breakfast meeting the voices on the right: "He mumbled something, I do not have accredited its explanation and it s is angry. " Is that in the Chirac camp, we want to settle scores. The balladuriens Have not imposed in the final stretch of negotiations on contracts an intermediate sulfur Lebanese Ziad Takieddine? Mr. Leotard, in his deposition, admitted having received this through because "they told me it was important for the contract Agosta. All
close to Mr Chirac, before the magistrates, Dominique de Villepin to Charles Millon, have actually expressed their "firm conviction" on the existence of rétrocommissions. This money was well intended, according to Mr. de Villepin, who is in this regard to an investigation of the Branch General of External Security (DGSE), "the financing of any party supporting the majority of the first minister at the time."
Investigators do not yet managed to dig up this investigation by the DGSE. Mr. Leotard protested to the judge: "He [Mr Chirac] never any proof of the existence of rétrocommissions, and when I hear Mr. de Villepin to speak of personal conviction, which is a legal term , and Mr. Millon strong suspicions about who is a police term, I question their intellectual integrity. " The former minister
the "word of honor": the Republican Party, which was then president, has never been funded by commissions from the contract Agosta. Judges must therefore ask: who is telling the truth? Mr. Leotard, Chirac or camp? The outcome of their investigation depends on the answer to this question.
Mr. Leotard, it has its certainties: "First, it fails to meet its commitments on commissions. Secondly, it does not respect its commitment not to sell submarines to India. It is the combination of these two elements that have caused the attack. " Gerard
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