Friday, November 10, 2006

Sue Letter For Dafamation Of Character

Air France "retro" (2 / 9) Happiness

Thursday, November 9, 2006

6co2 12h2o Light Energy

there an objective reality?

Speaking of happiness is an invitation to push open doors. The temptation is therefore to force blows to the originality of paradoxes and new ideas. We will stick to reason and to escape amazes hackneyed conventions. It applies, perhaps without much panache, to understand the meaning of a word as used but difficult to use.

Happiness, says the dictionary, is a state of satisfaction, resulting from a specific event, it is sought, or unexpected announcement. This definition does not make us forget the essential: happiness can not be commanded. It is neither imposed nor denied. Meanwhile, no one can say so and so is happy. By cons, recognize the devastation of its opposite is easy. Besides insidiously we are ready to screen it behind the air of happiness for many dress around their loved ones or the all-comers. Currently, it is true, the propensity of our fellows to be revealed for a yes or a no, at least to forget to take offense, highlights the ease with which it proclaims its states unfortunate.

Would it be easier to capture this thing that makes running so they could decline the conditions for its realization, that reveal its materiality. How to establish plans for conquest? In this regard, we are all Rastignac: "Between us, Paris! "Happiness exists. It is like that. Here's the recipe! The answer, we know it. On the one hand, happiness is the child of circumstances. On the other hand, when these occur, too often they do not produce the desired effect.

must distinguish between living conditions and the fact to feel it. How, subjectively, they experience sudden her fainting when they have completed the necessary efforts for its realization. Conversely, we noted that the darkest periods of life, the most challenging times do not necessarily preclude the intimate experience of happiness. This last observation allows some, especially for the privileged, to justify the lack of any concern for collective improvement. Why try to change the state of affairs, since he is not that interferes with happiness?

Everyone can live in modesty or the difficulty of his condition. Even in the worst moments, such as wars, children play, men and women love each other and make plans. No doubt, but our state of civilized us to believe that peace, growing prosperity, accepting the other, more developed, stronger culture and always will be more widely distributed more happy than not. If the policy does not provide happiness, it opens the way for a greater opportunity to know the attractions.

So my answer is it two proposals. I must try to live a good life, that is to say who can flourish, but not at the expense of others and without asking the idle question of happiness ... I have every chance let me - then - given the boot.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

3 Mg Heparin In Units

Air France "retro" (1 / 9)

Monday, November 6, 2006

Alan87 Koncówka Mocy

Contract and under

The idea of contract is best understood through an expression synonymous: the obligation reciprocal. And why not mutual constraint? These two words are not they equivalent? Not quite. The constraint expresses an independent external pressure of my agreement or even my understanding of what causes it. The requirement, she is that insofar as the merits of the reasons I had enough, although the details of implementation do not always seem fair.

So I the obligation to pay taxes. While I know that if I do not pay voluntarily, I am compelled to do so, including (to my regret?) That members of a community must contribute to its maintenance, otherwise it would cease exist. I agree that the use and importance of money so collected is another problem. In other words, if the person I am stubborn not to pay his taxes, even knows (with or without remorse) that flees its obligations.

The contract comes as a personal liability together with my knowledge of the requirement that the other contracting party to me. In fact, any contract quickly became a test for the individual who accepted it. More than reason, the expected benefits follow the disadvantages of any quid pro quo. At the initial feeling of euphoria, which grows even more the desire of the contract on the topic: I have the means, capabilities ... the good will succeed not so much the unexpected that the roughness of the lived, poorly evaluated in the initial optimism. Today, we are no longer the person we were yesterday. Tomorrow, even less. Each, over the years, more or less strongly, indeed, saw the difficulty of honoring these contracts as desired.

How to say emphatically: "I will maintain"? By virtue, in the Latin sense of the word. The contract, to survive, requires an effort that pushes the one I am now. In doing so, he dips my character develops my "virtue", that is to say what makes my humanity. That's true of marriage, desire for children with all that involves contractual, contract of employment, all those implicit weave our social ties. Initially, preferably, "they take for granted. Then time, stubborn rodent our ideals, our projects, our feelings, is his work. What have we to oppose him? Our virtue. It is not nothing, it rarely enough.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Rimi Tomy Bathing Mms

dint of progress, men away from Nature ...

What do we mean by "men"? Is it a gathering of men, similar to a stack of pieces of wood? No way! The world of humanity in time and space, is not that the sum of the individuals who compose it. It is - that is to say, it makes sense - through what they produce with their hands, mixing in a conflict of traditions, personal memories and collective accumulation of knowledge and rules organization between individuals and social groups.

Talking "men" is less meaningful than talking about human society in the making. Another point to clarify why say that it is an evil to depart from nature? The opposite would it not true? A man abandoned naked in the heart of the Amazon rainforest could there live more than a few hours? What civilization if the transition from gathering to agriculture, clans of hunters to town, that is to say a distance of continuous nature.

As for the idea of progress, it refers to a situation considered more profitable than the one we knew before. On this point there is no agreement that this new situation is better than that pre-existed. For some, the consumption is a blessing for others ... the contrary. Is globalization a good or a danger? To live better together, they all rely on tolerance, those on the inalienable right security. All they are confident of being right even if they do not have the same things behind the same words.

remains the question of the nature of the to humans. This is not just biological. The share of self-thinking is manifested by a continuous creation of material products and intellectual relationships that are not of nature but of man . From its origins, humanity is defined as beyond nature. Why bother now divert the binomial-man company this distance progressive with nature?

This clarification does not detract seriously questioning the ability of humans to govern themselves. This issue does not, directly, the relationship between man and nature, but humanity in its own.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Notes On Water Cooled V/s Air Cooled

Carpet Palace

China, Ningxia, early nineteenth century. Carpet Palace, 800 x 816 cm. € 80,000.

Ningxia Province, north China, is close to Inner Mongolia. The semi-arid plateaus of Aixa are conducive to the breeding of sheep. Oldest Chinese carpet from this region. Offered to the imperial court or Buddhist temples, they are particularly rare and sought after.
The decorations for the yard are drawn from the repertoire of symbols happy butterflies, lotus, fish, flowers, peonies, pheasants, not to mention the dragons ...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Zoophillia Viedeo Free

Information or propaganda? The brush

Etymologically, inform means "to shape . Thus, education is to shape the child to fit the world in which he lives. Aristotle (384-322 BC.) Explained that in the generation, the wife brought the matter and the human form. He informed undifferentiated flesh to form into a distinct individual.

Etymology and semantic merging - without the sense of drift that sometimes there is - this information means that shapes our knowledge of the outside world. That said, we must be mindful of the passive aspect of the information. It receives from outside something that we will, as the sculptor who gives to form a block of stone.

Propaganda etymologically means spreading with force. Pager (pangere) expresses the idea of pushing into the file (ground). Originally the term refers to ecclesiastical action to expand the realm of faith. Currently, it has a pejorative connotation in that it involves the use of all means to accept a view.

As seen, initially, information and propaganda are virtually synonymous. Whenever it comes to shaping the opinion of an individual. A difference remains, however. If the information relates to someone who is not conscious of being so modified , propaganda is seen as the will of an authority to impose certain statements.

short, it is more difficult to keep information as propaganda, especially since I can not do without knowing what is happening around me. So I have to abandon passivity and shape me (tell me) with the intellectual resources available to me, knowing that a part thereof was provided to me by education, custom and habits. In other words, I remain partly shaped by my environment.

Awareness of this initial passivity allows me to overcome ... but never completely. To do this, I wonder about the meaning of what I get for asking more than what I present as facts. Beyond a factual statement that is intended, I will seek the interpretations it can cause. In other words, the debate only way to inform me without being subjected to information-propaganda. This process must allow me with my means - that this type of exercise will not fail to develop - to evaluate the significance for me of what I present as fact.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bed And Breakfast Guest Registration


With the book's brush Buddha, the photographer Reza offers us an extraordinary journey, in north-western China. There in the mountains of Xinjiang, the former East Turkestan, hide fabulous caves. Long unavailable, they escaped the Red Guards and their Cultural Revolution. A chance, because they contain a wealth of rock art tells the story of Buddha.

Indeed, the 163 sites are in the mysterious kingdom of Kucha - place of pilgrimage which played a crucial role in the spread of Buddhism from Central Asia to China - and on the northern route of the Silk Road .
Reza has selected ten caves and Kyzil Kumtura. How? Depending on the degree of conservation of these frescoes, created by monks painters between the fourth and seventh centuries. But also on their accessibility. For the delivery of equipment was not easy and working conditions, epic, sometimes the photographer before illuminating the walls of the shrines with mirrors reflecting the sunlight.

So many efforts that allow us to scan the scene of many lives of Buddha. To enjoy sumptuous color palette dominated by blue, green and red, and discover the confrontation of styles Indian, Greek, Persian, Afghan and Chinese.

The brush of Buddha, published by La Martiniere, 35 €.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Male Check-up By A Female Doctor

Sweaty hands

men already knew that having several bats in their family boded ill for the sustainability of their abundant hair. However, we did not know he was the same for palmar hyperhidrosis, which is to say for sweaty palms.

That at least is what Samuel Ahn, director of Endovascular Surgery Medical Center University of California, Los Angeles.
The strong hereditary component shows that hyperhidrosis may be caused by a dominant gene. And it does not appear related gender, or ethnicity. Samuel Ahn studied Fifty-eight patients with very wet hands and the medical records of their parents. And he discovered that two thirds of "sick" had a family history.

is the first time a scientific study establishes a genetic link for this problem that still affects about 1% of the Western population.
next for Dr. Ahn: identify those genes to consider treatment against sweaty hands.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How Much To Convert Lhd To Rhd Mustang

Holidays "retro" (32/32)

poster signed Sandy Hook (1879-1960). NR Printing Money (Paris). Format: 74.5 cm x 105 cm. Price: € 4,861.

To find the posters, check out the classified section of newspapers and magazines specializing in antiques and flea market. Then browse
salons and flea markets, where some traders are specialists in the poster, as well as exhibitions devoted to waste paper.

Some stores have many posters of foreign travel. Feel free to contact them.
Last track should not be overlooked: the thematic auctions. Whether in Paris or the province, sales posters were widely held.

Sources: see 1 / 32.


Monday, September 18, 2006

How Long Does Epididymis

theory or abstraction?

These two terms can not be used for each other because they focus on different aspects of mental activity.
From information provided by our senses, our minds highlights - abstract - similarities. To bring out the best, it eliminates other data. In short, it merely highlight some features of an object. When we insist on the triangular appearance of things, we are ignoring other information to retain only those relating their shape. This transaction, our brain does it automatically.

At a second level of abstraction is more voluntary. It stems from our desire to find a consistency based on criteria that we choose. Thus, in seeking to define the "courageous action", we will list criteria for behavior, making abstraction any other relevant factor. The reducing side and somehow arbitrary this process is obvious. Therefore, although we usion ease of abstracting, we are suspicious, believing, correctly As that reality is richer.

The function of theory is very different. To do this, we must go back to the Greek philosopher Plato. For him, theory is the procession ideas, ideas more real than the apparent truth of our physical perceptions. This prominence of the idea over the reality is, if I may say, double trigger.

one hand, the meaning we give to our actions, events around us, the history we are the children consists of a set of ideas (opinions) preexisting us. Situation required. Nobody can claim to give meaning to the world he lives without these ideas organizers.

other hand, a second aspect of the theory is needed. Here, we receive more than common ideas. The theory is identified with an intellectual construct that we develop to deal with a problem. It literally becomes our ability to build our future as an architect draw up plans for a new home. It is on paper, it never existed, but it will become a reality only by the power of our creative thinking.

If abstraction allows me to make sense of sensitive information, theory and brings the intelligence of the world and the opportunity to build my future by drawing up plans.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cost Lumineers Per Tooth

Holidays "retro" (31/32)

Boats typical of the Far East to the poster Air France signed Vincent Guerra in 1950.

The cost for a sign of foreign travel depends on several criteria. The signature is very important, but you must also take into account the time, the country, the conveyance and the condition of the poster.

Many more recent the old posters airlines are trading between 200 € and 500 € approx.
Those shipping lines and railways are more expensive: from 300 € to more than 1,200 € for the oldest. More
rare posters Simplon-Orient-Express bought between 900 € and 1,300 €.

Some destinations are more popular and therefore worth more. This is particularly the case of Lebanon, Indonesia or the Middle East.
Finally, some illustrators are driving up prices sharply. The creations by Hugo Alesi or Roger Broders and can reach € 2,500 about.

Sources: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Present Irr, Slr, Crr

The Sixth Sense "seismic" elephant

Elephants have more than one trick up their trunks. A study shows that these large mammals have a sixth sense "seismic". Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell, a biologist at Stanford University, studies the behavior of elephants in Namibia for ten years. It is now believed that elephants are capable of transmitting and detecting seismic vibrations through the ground.

team of U.S. researchers has found that rumbles and stamping would these mammals produce sound waves of course, but mostly ground vibrations. Seismic waves by which animals communicate. By detecting the vibrations, the elephant herd can feel a closer, locate a family member in distress, be warned of danger.

While a sound signal only travels 10 km, seismic vibration can be seen in more than 30 km. Communication between elephants would be more complex and more extensive than previously thought.

This discovery is a relief to researchers who were unable to explain certain behaviors. We now know instead of listen, the elephant up and down the foot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Does Rosacea Disqual From Military Service

Holidays "retro" (30/32)

Copy of 1889 for the General Society of steam shipping. This particular time rates to travel to Algeria. First

precaution to take when buying your poster: Make sure it is in good condition without tears or stains.
Wrap it carefully to prevent it from being damaged during transport.
Once home, do not hang your poster on a wall exposed sunlight: its color might be affected.
In the same vein, do not subject it to a heat source (like a radiator), but try to keep a constant temperature between 20 ° and 22 °. This will avoid making the paper brittle.

At the slightest damage, call a professional restoration. The smallest error handling on your part could be fatal!

To better protect your display, consider how the canvas. Again, check with a professional.
By sticking the poster on a canvas, it will erase wrinkles and make the paper raincoat and more resistant. Another cheaper solution: you can put your poster in a frame or under a coaster.

Source: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sebaceous Cyst Removal Stitches

Eternal Afghanistan

Afghanistan is not the name of a war but a country. A country ravaged the people, which has never yet lost hope. Iranian photographer Reza, took the Eternal Afghanistan, those who survived the conquest of the Greeks, Russians, the Taliban.

The texts of the French journalist Olivier Weber highlight a new Afghanistan awakening: "Peace be surprised when you you wait for the war and vice versa, and this clock puts things in their place. "The book is divided into three" chapters, "three elements that are the essence of a nation: the earth, man and the soul. On

color plates, the faces of women, children and old men exude tolerance and the desire to live for and on their land. The words tell the legend of Afghanistan, that of the encounter between East and West, an Afghanistan of Thousand and One Nights just waiting to re-open the world to clear his injuries.

Eternal Afghanistan, photographs Reza. Written by Olivier Weber. Editions du Chêne / UNESCO Publishing. 27 €.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Show Me Indian Women Boobs

Holidays "retro" (29/32)

Shows of 1920 from Sandy Hook to the shipping company and the Joint Railway Paris-Orleans-Midi. Morocco via Port-Vendres, Pyrenees-Orientales port.

The majority of the print shops who worked for the tourist displays were installed in Paris. The best known are the Workshops Hugo Alesi Alépée & Co., Percival Hubert Baille & Co., Devambez, Brothers Daude, F. Champagne & Vaugirard and Camille Serre, who is from the 1925 Lucien Serre, and Lucien Serre & Co.

provincial printers are few. They officiate usually in port cities that serve abroad. This, for example, where the printing and Moullot Marseillaise ... Marseille!

Source: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Free Beautifull Agony

Pigeons threatened Internet

The motto of the State Police of Orissa in eastern India, might be: Never without my pigeon. Since 1946, about 800 pigeons provide the mail service between the 400 police stations in the region over several thousand square kilometers. A postal service that is now threatened the Internet and email.

The Indian Ministry of Finance says these "factors of the air" are now unnecessary and too expensive, even if the cost of maintaining each of these docile birds does not exceed 8 cents per day. Side of the defenders of pigeons, is praised their speed and ability to deliver messages in any circumstance, especially when the country is hit by cyclones and floods.

"The passenger pigeon (Columbia livia ) is reliable, because high to be messenger," says Chris Arnold, a researcher at the laboratory Molecular and Cellular Biophysics of the CNRS in Grenoble and pigeon enthusiast. "Contrary to modern means of communication, these pigeons ensure total privacy. Its use in time of war has shown. "

Continuing a tradition of five centuries, the forty men of a special corps of police of Orissa drive the pigeons when they have reached four weeks. In adulthood, they are capable of processing a flight of 500 km. But nearly eight years, government authorities are putting pressure on the police of Orissa. Until then, tradition has prevailed.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Showering Female Soccer Team

Holidays "retro" (28/32)

Design for Air Morocco. The airline serves the country of Bordeaux, Toulouse and Barcelona.

Posters airlines are increasing in the 1930s, especially with the arrival of Air France. Previously, only a few achievements are signed Imperial Airways, one of the leading airlines, Air or East.

There are countless tourist posters commissioned by Air France between the 1930s and 1960s. The company appealed to the greatest illustrators and presented many countries as possible. His creations

present some typical signs: besides the name of the company, a plane flies always in the sky and a small hippocampus is always drawn in a corner. It is the symbol adopted by Air France: the horse's head symbolizes power, fish tail and the aircraft wing speed.

Foreign airlines have also made some very nice posters. This is the case of Air Morocco, Air Algeria, Tunisia and Air Atlas Air for the Maghreb or the Lebanese company Middle East Airlines (MEA) for the Middle East. BOAC English, Dutch KLM, UTA French are also in the running.

Sources: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Difference Between A Tie And A Cravat

Chile, roads memory

This book begins as a journey into "oblivion". Then, over the photos, the brief opens. Patrick Zachmann, of Magnum, captures amnesia Chilean Pinochet years.

His photographs take us in the north, in the heart of the desert. Where the past has been swept. Along Road No. 5, the Pan American, he went on the trail of a "huge memory hole." A Pisagua, the former prison cells harboring more suffering opponents: behind bars, sauna and the billiard room of a hotel. In the Santiago Stadium, fans now seem to have forgotten the martyrdom of the 15,000 crammed into the stands in 1973 and tortured to death.

Zachmann pays tribute to those lost through portraits collected by two photographers Chilean Claudio Gomez and Rodrigo Perez. To recall the desert before there were men. Zachmann, through his writings, also leaves one's own story, that of his grandparents died at Birkenau. "There, I discovered the importance of body, burial. Without memory, there is no mourning possible. "

Chile, roads memory, Editions Marval, 52 shots.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Poems For Welcoming Visitors At Church

Holidays "retro" (27/32)

copy of 1921 signed Roger Broders for railway Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean and Simplon Orient-Express. This line linked directly to London to Constantinople, Istanbul future.

Often coupled with shipping companies, the French railways are the first to extol the merits of foreign travel.

The largest producer of the posters is the Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée (PLM), as dessert Marseille, dynamic port on the cruise market. Lines Paris-Orleans and those of the south are also present in the dissemination of tourist posters.

Subsequently, many nations are developing an internal rail network and also carry their own advertising campaigns for bragging rights.
is the case of Algeria, Egypt or Tunisia.

You will find some posters produced by the Simplon Orient-Express. This line of railroad known as the Orient-Express from Paris to Istanbul, via Switzerland, Italy (through the Simplon Tunnel, built in 1906), Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.

Sources: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Cost Of Filling A Cavity

Ants invade us

A strange miniature people invaded Europe. Billions of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) , over 6,000 km, forming a surprising supercolony. That's what we discovered by French researchers, Switzerland and Denmark, after two years of field observation and laboratory.

West of Spain to Italy via France, millions of nests communicate with each other, creating a huge network continuously.
"The supercolonies have long been known, but it is impressive " says Luc Passera, ant specialist and professor emeritus at the University of Toulouse.
Argentine ants arrived in Europe around 1920, by chance. A new environment, new behavior. In their natural habitat, Argentine ants of different nests are killing each other in fifteen seconds. Within the supercolony, no trace of aggressiveness.

Ants are close enough genetically to recognize, an ant can identify an ant Italian English through an odor secreted on the surface of the cuticle. Why this sudden friendship between ants ? Researchers have noted a loss of genetic diversity that affects the genes responsible for smell. Supercolony this could affect the biodiversity of the Mediterranean coasts: the Argentine ants eliminate 95% of native ants, monopolizing food sources. Another nuisance: they rob the larder housing. A rate of 200 meters per year, nothing will prevent the supercolony to keep driving the Italian side. To the west, the cold would be unable to go beyond Galicia.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Weave?

Holidays "retro" (26/32)

Created in 1929 to the Ways iron of the south. Offers a tour of French and English cities to Tangier, Morocco.

The tourist posters are essentially controlled by the transport companies, boat to the aircraft via the railroad.
initially upper classes, cruises can discover the most distant countries without time constraint. At the time, it took more than two months to go from Marseilles to Saigon!

shipping companies that have produced posters were all created between 1850 and 1870. Among those that you frequently find, hire Messaging Maritimes Chargers Together, Compagnie de Navigation Mixte, Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, Societe Generale Maritime Transport Steam Navigation Company and Package, a specialist in Morocco.

All posters have one thing in common: they are always before the ship that will transport passengers to their destination.

Sources: see 1 / 32.

Stay tuned.

Monday, September 4, 2006

Deluxe Pasta Express Machine, Model X3000.

Colors: red (2 / 2)

First documentation of care to the danger, the red flag was then loaded up feelings of anger make sense of rebellion. This was following an incident during the French Revolution, whose seriousness came upon the minds of sustainable way: a great popular demonstration was peaceful and take place on the Champ de Mars. Anxious to avoid any confrontation with security forces, a police mentoring displayed red flags around the parade. This incentive for caution was not included in the National Guard, who fired into the crowd. The red flag, now becomes that of martyrdom, oppression.
Communist regimes will do for nearly a century that the intensive use known.
On the minor mode, the red vest worn by Theophile Gautier, when the first drama of Victor Hugo's Hernani , was also a symbol of rebellion and anger against the proponents of classical drama.

Above all, red is synonymous with beauty. In the Russian language, the concepts of beautiful red and merge within the same word Krasnyi . Thus, the famous Red Square could also well be called in French without any translation error, the "Beautiful Place".
Only the last two centuries that we marry in white - a symbol of purity and virginity. Previously, brides chose to wear the great day of their wedding, the most beautiful dress, which was mostly a red dress, that color is one that is more easily determined the tissue and did not spend in the sun .
The child is spontaneously attracted to red, which is a promise for him to play or sweetness.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Samples Of Vote Of Thanks For A Wedding

Holidays "retro" (25/32)

Work Lucien Boucher signed in 1950 for Air France. By superimposing a bird's wing in South America, the artist tells us how easy it is to go very far in air.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Clear Liquid During Period

Colors: red (half)

Seven magic number of colors born of light that the lens was broken! Color, gradually going out to conquer the world, reaching to the infinite range of shades we know today. It should not however believe that this conquest is to be made gradually, smoothly, and according to technical discoveries successive color is primarily intended symbol and, beyond our gaze directly to our unconscious and our reflexes.
The color is religious, social, military, political, ethnic, psychological. The color is often thought unwitting.

the Middle Ages, the civilized world was trichrome, and it remained so for centuries: the white the black and red Three colors dominate, with only the third was a color. Objecting to the other two, the red color was THE .

Officer contradictory meanings, both red was the color of the Passion of Christ than the flames of Hell.
Red is blood, the vehicle of life, precious as long as it is inside the body to which it communicates the beautiful colors of health.

But the red blood shed is also synonymous with danger and death: the red robe of the judge who punishes the crimes of blood red, the coat of the executioner who blew the heads.
In the society of the early centuries, hierarchical in the extreme, men dressed in red were the warriors, while the religious preference clothed in black and the little people work dressed traditionally white, it is ie undyed fabrics.
the nineteenth century, continues to oppose Stendhal The Red and the Black, a military career to religious career.

Both ecstasy and torment, Red is the symbol of love hot and crazy, a replica of the softened earth divine Passion.
But it is also the kind of immediate danger: fire red, meaning forbidden, the stop are impassable, while on drugs to handle with care a cartridge red prohibits exceeding the dose.
The Red Cross was placed by Henry Dunant, the founder (1863), under the sign of the inverted flag of Switzerland, a country that has a white cross on red background. Long, our Italian neighbors recognized their "Farmacie" to the Red Cross reported that. Today, in European countries is spreading the green cross to pharmacies - or even a cross made of green and blue - to symbolize the alliance of natural remedies and modern medicines in the treatment of diseases.

Stay tuned.